
Crafted with care

Applications which have been created with great attention to detail are a pleasure to use, and this is how it should be. LuckGrib is one of those applications.

The design goal for the application is to present a simple user experience, without sacrificing the power and flexibility you expect from a first class application.

iPhone, iPad, Macs

Available on iPhone, iPad and Macs

Fast = Fun

The LuckGrib application and server software were designed from the ground up to perform at the highest levels, while constantly achieving high quality results.

Watch as the weather smoothly animates as you change forecast times. Switching between GRIB files happens in the blink of an eye. Download new weather forecasts from the speedy LuckGrib server cluster.

Once you experience this level of performance, going back to lesser applications will be impossible.

GRIB models

Downloads in LuckGrib are delivered from a server cluster, setup in the cloud which is ready and waiting for your requests.

You’ll find familiar global models such as GFS and ECMWF, as well as some less common global models: GDPS, GFS Ensemble, RTOFS, DWD Wave and CFS.

Regional models are also available - and they are awesome. Regional models often feature a much higher resolution and may be updated as frequently as every hour.

For the complete list, explore the GRIB Models area of this site.

GRIB downloads are free

LuckGrib obtains its data from NCEP/NOAA, Environment Canada, Météo-France, Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) in Germany and OpenWRF.
None of those organizations are charging for their service. If they are able to run their computer centers, gather the information to feed to their computer simulations and make all of their results free to the public then we think that should be passed on to you.

Free data. You are free to explore weather models which may be new to you

Free data. You are free to compare forecasts from different models to see how stable a weather system may be

Free data. You can’t beat the price

Exceptional Graphics

LuckGrib takes its cues for the presentation of weather graphics from professional weather forecasting organizations, such as NCEP. Smooth contours. Highs and lows positioned accurately. Streamlines available to show winds in the tropics.

Behind the scenes are sophisticated math and smooth interpolation. In front of you are the graphics you would hope for.

Reading images that are presented with this attention to detail is easier, less distracting. You find yourself forgetting the application and simply exploring the weather forecasts, to understand what they are saying.

Weather Routing

Finding optimized paths through complex weather systems can be difficult. LuckGrib can help with this, and goes one (or two) steps further.

Weather Routing, reinvented. A new, fresh, modern implementation. High performance. Flexible. Easy to use. Useful.

Offshore Data

LuckGrib has been designed with the offshore sailor in mind. Perhaps, instead, you are in the Australian Outback? Anybody want to go explore some wilderness where there is no internet?

Use the Offshore Data weather service to receive your forecast data via email, or directly via satellite.

Iridium GO! RedPort Optimizer. XGate. UUPlus. SailMail. MailASail. Iridium Mail.


You can view the overall picture of what is going on with the graphics, but when it is time to explore the details, those are also available.

As you move the cursor around, the value at that location for all of the available parameters are presented - simple and easy.

Meteogram views are also available - easily examine the forecast for at a point, or along a line, or along a vessel route.