
Server Status

Global Models

GFS - Global Forecast System

Provider:National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:Global
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:0.25°, 15.0nm, 27.8km
Model duration:61 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 16 days
Parameters:pressure, wind, wind gust, rain, cloud, temperature, humidity, dew point, convection, wind wave, swell, swell/wave combined, ice, vorticity, vertical velocity, simulated radar, precipitable water, visibility, 0C isotherm, 250 mb, 500 mb, 850 mb
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 05:48:48 2024 UTC
Download delay:5hr 48min

ECMWF - European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

Provider:European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
Model scope:Global
Update frequency:every 12 hours
Resolution:0.25°, 15.0nm, 27.8km
Model duration:37 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 10 days
Parameters:pressure, wind, rain, temperature, humidity, swell/wave combined, vertical velocity, precipitable water, 250 mb, 500 mb, 850 mb
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 08:05:57 2024 UTC
Download delay:8hr 05min

GDPS - Global Deterministic Prediction System

Provider:Environment Canada
Model scope:Global
Update frequency:every 12 hours
Resolution:0.15°, 9.0nm, 16.7km
Model duration:37 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 10 days
Parameters:pressure, wind, rain, cloud, temperature, vorticity, 250 mb, 500 mb
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 05:10:35 2024 UTC
Download delay:5hr 10min

GFS Ensemble

Provider:National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:Global
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:0.5°, 30.0nm, 55.6km
Model duration:49 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 16 days
Parameters:pressure, wind, rain, temperature, 250 mb, 500 mb, 850 mb, ensemble standard deviation
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 06:52:25 2024 UTC
Download delay:6hr 52min

GFS Ensemble with all surface wind parameters

Provider:National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:Global
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:0.5°, 30.0nm, 55.6km
Model duration:49 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 16 days
Parameters:pressure, wind, ensemble standard deviation, other
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 08:16:27 2024 UTC
Download delay:8hr 16min

CMC Ensemble

Provider:Environment Canada
Model scope:Global
Update frequency:every 12 hours
Resolution:0.5°, 30.0nm, 55.6km
Model duration:49 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 16 days
Parameters:pressure, wind, rain, temperature, 250 mb, 500 mb, ensemble standard deviation
GRIB model date:Fri Jul 26 12:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Fri Jul 26 20:53:57 2024 UTC
Download delay:8hr 53min

ECMWF Ensemble - the public domain WHO subset of ECMWF

Provider:European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
Model scope:Global
Update frequency:every 12 hours
Resolution:0.5°, 30.0nm, 55.6km
Model duration:11 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 10 days
Parameters:pressure, wind, temperature, 500 mb, ensemble standard deviation
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 08:05:53 2024 UTC
Download delay:8hr 05min

RTOFS Global HYCOM - Ocean Currents

Provider:National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:Global
Update frequency:every 24 hours
Resolution:0.08°, 4.8nm, 8.9km
Model duration:29 forecasts starting at 12 hrs, ending at 8 days
Parameters:current, water temperature, ice
GRIB model date:Fri Jul 26 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Fri Jul 26 16:10:49 2024 UTC
Download delay:16hr 10min

OSCAR - Ocean Currents

Provider:Earth & Space Research (
Model scope:Global
Update frequency:every 24 hours
Resolution:0.25°, 15.0nm, 27.8km
Model duration:all data at time: 0 hr
GRIB model date:Tue Jul 23 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Fri Jul 26 12:01:20 2024 UTC
Download delay:84hr 01min

ASCAT Latest - Ocean satellite wind observations

Provider:EUMETSAT - European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
Model scope:Global
Update frequency:every hour
Resolution:0.125°, 7.5nm, 13.9km
Model duration:all data at time: 0 hr
Parameters:wind, time at sample
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 08:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 08:04:22 2024 UTC
Download delay:0hr 04min

ASCAT Orbits - Ocean satellite wind observations

Provider:EUMETSAT - European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
Model scope:Global
Update frequency:frequently
Resolution:0.125°, 7.5nm, 13.9km
Model duration:all data at time: 0 hr
Parameters:wind, time at sample
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 06:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 08:18:47 2024 UTC
Download delay:2hr 18min

CFS - Climate Forecast System

Provider:National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:Global
Update frequency:every 24 hours
Resolution:1.0°, 60.0nm, 111.1km
Model duration:420 forecasts starting at 6 hrs, ending at 180 days
Parameters:pressure, wind, current, 1000 mb
GRIB model date:Fri Jul 26 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Fri Jul 26 10:40:17 2024 UTC
Download delay:10hr 40min


North America

NAM Conus - North American Mesoscale Forecast System

Provider:National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:North America
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:1.6nm, 3.0km
Model duration:31 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 2 days 12 hrs
Parameters:pressure, wind, wind gust, rain, cloud, temperature, humidity, dew point, convection, vorticity, vertical velocity, simulated radar, precipitable water, visibility, 0C isotherm, 250 mb, 500 mb, 850 mb
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 06:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 08:48:47 2024 UTC
Download delay:2hr 48min

HRRR - High Resolution Rapid Refresh

Provider:National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:North America
Update frequency:every hour
Resolution:1.6nm, 3.0km
Model duration:19 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 18 hrs
Parameters:pressure, wind, wind gust, rain, cloud, temperature, humidity, dew point, convection, smoke, simulated radar, precipitable water, lightning, visibility, 0C isotherm, 250 mb, 500 mb, 850 mb
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 07:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 08:34:35 2024 UTC
Download delay:1hr 34min

HRRR - Sub-Hourly Wind

Provider:National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:North America
Update frequency:every hour
Resolution:1.6nm, 3.0km
Model duration:73 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 18 hrs
Parameters:wind, wind gust
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 07:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 08:31:16 2024 UTC
Download delay:1hr 31min

HRRR 48hr - High Resolution Rapid Refresh

Provider:National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:North America
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:1.6nm, 3.0km
Model duration:29 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 2 days
Parameters:pressure, wind, wind gust, rain, cloud, temperature, humidity, dew point, convection, smoke, simulated radar, precipitable water, lightning, visibility, 0C isotherm, 250 mb, 500 mb, 850 mb
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 06:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 08:02:34 2024 UTC
Download delay:2hr 02min

RAP - Rapid Refresh

Provider:National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:North America
Update frequency:every hour
Resolution:0.117°, 7.0nm, 13.0km
Model duration:21 forecasts starting at 1 hr, ending at 21 hrs
Parameters:pressure, wind, wind gust, rain, cloud, temperature, humidity, dew point, convection, vorticity, vertical velocity, simulated radar, precipitable water, visibility, 0C isotherm, 250 mb, 500 mb, 850 mb
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 07:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 08:16:31 2024 UTC
Download delay:1hr 16min

NAM - North American Mesoscale Forecast System

Provider:National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:North America
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:0.108°, 6.5nm, 12.0km
Model duration:35 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 3 days 12 hrs
Parameters:pressure, wind, wind gust, rain, cloud, temperature, humidity, dew point, convection, vorticity, vertical velocity, simulated radar, precipitable water, visibility, 0C isotherm, 250 mb, 500 mb, 850 mb
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 02:50:57 2024 UTC
Download delay:2hr 50min

HRDPS - High Resolution Deterministic Prediction System

Provider:Environment Canada
Model scope:Mainly Canada
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:1.3nm, 2.5km
Model duration:29 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 2 days
Parameters:pressure, wind, wind gust, rain, cloud, temperature, vorticity, 250 mb, 500 mb
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 04:53:21 2024 UTC
Download delay:4hr 53min

NBM Conus (National Blend of Models)

Provider:National Weather Service, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:North America
Update frequency:every hour
Resolution:1.3nm, 2.5km
Model duration:53 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 11 days
Parameters:wind, wind gust, rain, cloud, temperature, humidity, ensemble standard deviation, other
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 07:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 08:37:16 2024 UTC
Download delay:1hr 37min

NDFD Conus (National Digital Forecast Database)

Provider:National Weather Service, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:North America
Update frequency:hourly
Resolution:1.3nm, 2.5km
Model duration:43 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 7 days
Parameters:wind, wind gust, rain, cloud, temperature, wind wave, other
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 08:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 08:14:11 2024 UTC
Download delay:0hr 14min

HRRR Alaska - High Resolution Rapid Refresh

Provider:National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:Alaska
Update frequency:every 3 hours
Resolution:1.6nm, 3.0km
Model duration:19 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 18 hrs
Parameters:pressure, wind, wind gust, rain, cloud, temperature, humidity, smoke, simulated radar, visibility, 250 mb, 500 mb, 850 mb
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 06:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 07:21:00 2024 UTC
Download delay:1hr 21min

NAM Alaska - North American Mesoscale Forecast System

Provider:National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:Alaska
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:1.6nm, 3.0km
Model duration:19 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 2 days 12 hrs
Parameters:pressure, wind, wind gust, rain, cloud, simulated radar, visibility
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 06:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 08:41:43 2024 UTC
Download delay:2hr 41min

NBM Alaska (National Blend of Models)

Provider:National Weather Service, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:Alaska
Update frequency:every hour
Resolution:1.6nm, 3.0km
Model duration:53 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 11 days
Parameters:wind, wind gust, rain, cloud, temperature, humidity, ensemble standard deviation, other
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 07:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 08:31:19 2024 UTC
Download delay:1hr 31min

WW3 - Great Lakes Wave

Provider:National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:North American Great Lakes
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:1.3nm, 2.5km
Model duration:29 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 6 days
Parameters:wind, wind wave, swell, swell/wave combined
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 07:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 07:38:01 2024 UTC
Download delay:0hr 38min

NCOM NE Pacific - Ocean Currents

Provider:Ocean Prediction Center (OPC), NOAA (USA)
Model scope:NE Pacific
Update frequency:every 24 hours
Resolution:2.0nm, 3.7km
Model duration:25 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 4 days
Parameters:current, water temperature
GRIB model date:Fri Jul 26 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Fri Jul 26 15:30:54 2024 UTC
Download delay:15hr 30min

NCOM Southern California - Ocean Currents

Provider:Ocean Prediction Center (OPC), NOAA (USA)
Model scope:Southern California
Update frequency:every 24 hours
Resolution:2.0nm, 3.7km
Model duration:25 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 4 days
Parameters:current, water temperature
GRIB model date:Fri Jul 26 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Fri Jul 26 13:40:11 2024 UTC
Download delay:13hr 40min

NCOM East Coast - Ocean Currents

Provider:Ocean Prediction Center (OPC), NOAA (USA)
Model scope:North America east coast
Update frequency:every 24 hours
Resolution:2.0nm, 3.7km
Model duration:25 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 4 days
Parameters:current, water temperature
GRIB model date:Fri Jul 26 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Fri Jul 26 10:16:09 2024 UTC
Download delay:10hr 16min

OFS West Coast Currents

Provider:Center for Operational Oceanographic Products (NOAA)
Model scope:North America West Coast
Update frequency:every 24 hours
Resolution:2.4nm, 4.4km
Model duration:24 forecasts starting at 3 hrs, ending at 3 days
Parameters:current, tide
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 03:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 04:43:46 2024 UTC
Download delay:1hr 43min

OFS Salish Sea and Columbia River Currents

Provider:Center for Operational Oceanographic Products (NOAA)
Model scope:North America West Coast
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:0.3nm, 0.6km
Model duration:73 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 3 days
Parameters:current, tide
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 03:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 07:54:51 2024 UTC
Download delay:4hr 54min

OFS San Francisco Bay Currents

Provider:Center for Operational Oceanographic Products (NOAA)
Model scope:North America West Coast
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:0.2nm, 0.3km
Model duration:49 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 2 days
Parameters:current, tide
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 03:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 05:06:45 2024 UTC
Download delay:2hr 06min

OFS Tampa Bay Currents

Provider:Center for Operational Oceanographic Products (NOAA)
Model scope:North America Florida
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:0.2nm, 0.3km
Model duration:48 forecasts starting at 1 hr, ending at 2 days
Parameters:current, tide
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 01:39:40 2024 UTC
Download delay:1hr 39min

OFS Chesapeake Bay Currents

Provider:Center for Operational Oceanographic Products (NOAA)
Model scope:North America East Coast
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:0.3nm, 0.6km
Model duration:48 forecasts starting at 1 hr, ending at 2 days
Parameters:current, tide
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 02:19:52 2024 UTC
Download delay:2hr 19min

OFS Delaware Bay Currents

Provider:Center for Operational Oceanographic Products (NOAA)
Model scope:North America East Coast
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:0.3nm, 0.6km
Model duration:48 forecasts starting at 1 hr, ending at 2 days
Parameters:current, tide
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 01:50:52 2024 UTC
Download delay:1hr 50min

OFS Gulf of Maine Currents

Provider:Center for Operational Oceanographic Products (NOAA)
Model scope:North America East Coast
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:0.6nm, 1.1km
Model duration:24 forecasts starting at 3 hrs, ending at 3 days
Parameters:current, tide
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 03:17:23 2024 UTC
Download delay:3hr 17min


NAM Hawaii - North American Mesoscale Forecast System

Provider:National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:Hawaii
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:1.3nm, 2.5km
Model duration:31 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 2 days 12 hrs
Parameters:pressure, wind, wind gust, rain, cloud, temperature, humidity, convection, simulated radar
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 02:31:57 2024 UTC
Download delay:2hr 31min

NBM Hawaii (National Blend of Models)

Provider:National Weather Service, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:Hawaii
Update frequency:every hour
Resolution:1.3nm, 2.5km
Model duration:53 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 11 days
Parameters:wind, wind gust, rain, ensemble standard deviation
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 06:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 07:05:33 2024 UTC
Download delay:1hr 05min

NCOM Hawaii - Ocean Currents

Provider:Ocean Prediction Center (OPC), NOAA (USA)
Model scope:Hawaii
Update frequency:every 24 hours
Resolution:2.0nm, 3.7km
Model duration:25 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 4 days
Parameters:current, water temperature
GRIB model date:Fri Jul 26 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Fri Jul 26 14:40:25 2024 UTC
Download delay:14hr 40min


NAM Caribbean - North American Mesoscale Forecast System

Provider:National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:Caribbean
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:0.11°, 6.6nm, 12.2km
Model duration:23 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 3 days 12 hrs
Parameters:pressure, wind, rain, cloud, temperature, humidity, convection, simulated radar
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 02:49:57 2024 UTC
Download delay:2hr 49min

RAP Eastern Caribbean - Rapid Refresh

Provider:National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:Caribbean
Update frequency:every hour
Resolution:0.146°, 8.8nm, 16.2km
Model duration:21 forecasts starting at 1 hr, ending at 21 hrs
Parameters:pressure, wind, wind gust, rain, cloud, temperature, humidity, convection, simulated radar
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 07:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 08:14:27 2024 UTC
Download delay:1hr 14min

NAM Puerto Rico - North American Mesoscale Forecast System

Provider:National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:Caribbean
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:1.3nm, 2.5km
Model duration:31 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 2 days 12 hrs
Parameters:pressure, wind, wind gust, rain, cloud, temperature, humidity, convection, simulated radar
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 02:54:38 2024 UTC
Download delay:2hr 54min

NCOM Caribbean - Ocean Currents

Provider:Ocean Prediction Center (OPC), NOAA (USA)
Model scope:Caribbean
Update frequency:every 24 hours
Resolution:2.0nm, 3.7km
Model duration:25 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 4 days
Parameters:current, water temperature
GRIB model date:Fri Jul 26 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Fri Jul 26 14:50:53 2024 UTC
Download delay:14hr 50min


Icon - DWD. North Atlantic & Europe Weather

Provider:Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD, Germany
Model scope:Europe
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:0.06°, 3.6nm, 6.7km
Model duration:27 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 5 days
Parameters:pressure, wind, wind gust, rain, cloud, temperature, humidity, convection
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 03:48:16 2024 UTC
Download delay:3hr 48min

Arpège - European Weather

Model scope:Europe
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:0.1°, 6.0nm, 11.1km
Model duration:36 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 2 days 12 hrs
Parameters:pressure, wind, wind gust, rain, cloud, temperature, humidity
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 03:47:55 2024 UTC
Download delay:3hr 47min

ICON D2 - DWD. High resolution Germany

Provider:Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD, Germany
Model scope:Europe
Update frequency:every 3 hours
Resolution:1.2nm, 2.2km
Model duration:113 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 2 days
Parameters:pressure, wind, wind gust, rain, cloud, temperature, humidity, simulated radar
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 06:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 07:41:37 2024 UTC
Download delay:1hr 41min

Arome - France Weather

Model scope:France
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:0.6nm, 1.1km
Model duration:25 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 1 day 12 hrs
Parameters:wind, temperature, humidity
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 04:25:18 2024 UTC
Download delay:4hr 25min

Europe Wave - DWD. Wind and Waves

Provider:Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD, Germany
Model scope:Europe
Update frequency:every 12 hours
Resolution:[0.1°, 6.0nm, 11.1km] x [3.0nm, 5.6km]
Model duration:22 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 3 days 6 hrs
Parameters:wind, wind wave, swell, swell/wave combined
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 04:31:25 2024 UTC
Download delay:4hr 31min

Europe Wave - Météo-France. Wind and Waves

Model scope:Europe
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:0.1°, 6.0nm, 11.1km
Model duration:18 forecasts starting at 3 hrs, ending at 2 days 12 hrs
Parameters:wind, wind wave, swell, swell/wave combined
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 05:35:47 2024 UTC
Download delay:5hr 35min

Germany Coastline Wave - DWD. Wind and Waves

Provider:Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD, Germany
Model scope:Germany
Update frequency:every 12 hours
Resolution:[0.8nm, 1.5km] x [0.5nm, 1.0km]
Model duration:16 forecasts starting at 3 hrs, ending at 2 days
Parameters:wind, wind wave, swell, swell/wave combined
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 04:31:20 2024 UTC
Download delay:4hr 31min

France Coastline Wave - Météo-France. Wind and Waves

Model scope:Europe
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:1.5nm, 2.8km
Model duration:12 forecasts starting at 3 hrs, ending at 1 day 12 hrs
Parameters:wind, wind wave, swell, swell/wave combined
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 00:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 05:36:59 2024 UTC
Download delay:5hr 36min

Global Models

Large Regional

North America




OpenWRF - Europe

Server Status

Server Status for OpenWRF Models