
GRIB Model

GFS Ensemble with all surface wind parameters

Provider:National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA (USA)
Model scope:Global
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:0.5°, 30.0nm, 55.6km
Model duration:49 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 16 days
Parameters:pressure, wind, ensemble standard deviation, ensemble control (GFS), other
GRIB model date:Tue Oct 22 06:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Tue Oct 22 14:16:37 2024 UTC
Download delay:8hr 16min

Note: the Download delay is the amount of time required for the GRIB model to compute its forecast and then for the LuckGrib cluster to download the data and make it available. The LuckGrib delay is generally less than 10 minutes, the remainder of the delay is the model compute time.


Please see the GEFS model page for a description of the GEFS model itself.

This variant of the GEFS model provides all of the 20 ensemble members, along with the mean and control, for the 10m wind and sea level pressure fields. In total, there are 22 wind and sea level pressure fields in this model.

This model is mainly intended to be used with LuckGrib Weather Routing, in order to study uncertainty in a weather system and its effects on the optimized weather routes that are generated.

When using the weather routing system, there are convenient ways to view each of the ensemble wind and pressure fields. Outside of weather routing, it may be difficult to manage the complexity of viewing the data that can be downloaded through this model.

If you are interested in studying ensemble models, give this data a try.


Here is a sample of a small region from a GEFS forecast, showing wind barbs for all of the members. Some areas have a lot of agreement, other areas differ quite widely.

Global Models

Large Regional

North America




OpenWRF - Europe

Server Status

Server Status for OpenWRF Models