
GRIB Model

CMC Ensemble

Provider:Environment Canada
Model scope:Global
Update frequency:every 12 hours
Resolution:0.5°, 30.0nm, 55.6km
Model duration:49 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 16 days
Parameters:pressure, wind, rain, temperature, 250 mb, 500 mb, ensemble standard deviation, ensemble control (GDPS)
GRIB model date:Thu Jan 23 00:00:00 2025 UTC
Download date:Thu Jan 23 08:51:22 2025 UTC
Download delay:8hr 51min

Note: the Download delay is the amount of time required for the GRIB model to compute its forecast and then for the LuckGrib cluster to download the data and make it available. The LuckGrib delay is generally less than 10 minutes, the remainder of the delay is the model compute time.


This model is first produced by Environment Canada, and then processed and made available by NOAA to the general public.

This is an ensemble model, and in this case, it is the result of averaging 21 slightly different weather models together. The idea in an ensemble model is that there is instability in many weather systems and that capturing the initial state of the atmosphere for the weather models can not be done perfectly. The ensemble process slightly alters the initial inputs and/or the numerical model in order to generate a range of different results. This suite of results can be analyzed to generate the average and standard deviation.

You can download the ensemble mean (average), standard deviation and the control member, which allows you estimate the uncertainty in the forecasts being generated.

There is a tutorial which provides more information on this topic.

For more information on the model, see this link.

Global Models

Large Regional

North America




OpenWRF - Europe

Server Status

Server Status for OpenWRF Models