
GRIB Model

ASCAT Latest - Ocean satellite wind observations

Provider:EUMETSAT - European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
Model scope:Global
Update frequency:every hour
Resolution:0.125°, 7.5nm, 13.9km
Model duration:all data at time: 0 hr
Parameters:wind, time at sample
GRIB model date:Wed Mar 5 02:00:00 2025 UTC
Download date:Wed Mar 5 02:00:51 2025 UTC
Download delay:0hr 00min

Note: the Download delay is the amount of time required for the GRIB model to compute its forecast and then for the LuckGrib cluster to download the data and make it available. The LuckGrib delay is generally less than 10 minutes, the remainder of the delay is the model compute time.

The purpose of this model is to provide timely ocean wind observations. ASCAT wind data can act as a source of truth for what the actual wind was at a location and time on the ocean.

There is a tutorial available which presents a lot of information which will be useful to understand when using these models.

LuckGrib provides the ASCAT data in two separate models:

This page describes the first model above, the Latest model.

The ‘ASCAT Latest’ model

This model should be the easier of the two ASCAT models provided, to use and understand. This model contains a single GRIB time step, containing the most recent, approximately, 12 hours of ASCAT data.

Example of ASCAT Latest.

On a note for sailors at sea: With this model, for example, pretty much the entire pacific can be downloaded at 0.5° resolution in around 24KB. The Orbits ASCAT model requires around 140KB for the same region and resolution, due to containing around 2 days of data. This much reduced file size means that this new model could be easily downloaded at sea, which makes it much more useful for sailors. That 24KB file reduces to 12KB when delivered through the LuckGrib Offshore Data system (with the additional compression.)

This new model would be updated every hour, with each update containing the most recent 12 (approx) hours of data.

Timeliness of the data.

This model is updated hourly, incorporating the most recent, approximately, 12 hours of data.

Update reliability

Please read the Note on reliability in the tutorial. This data is considered non-operational and from time to time updates can be delayed, for up to several days at a time. Data is updated on a best effort basis.

Global Models

Large Regional

North America




OpenWRF - Europe

Server Status

Server Status for OpenWRF Models