
GRIB Model

Arome - France Weather

Model scope:France
Update frequency:every 6 hours
Resolution:0.6nm, 1.1km
Model duration:25 forecasts starting at 0 hr, ending at 1 day 12 hrs
Parameters:wind, temperature, humidity
GRIB model date:Sat Jul 27 06:00:00 2024 UTC
Download date:Sat Jul 27 10:53:05 2024 UTC
Download delay:4hr 53min

Note: the Download delay is the amount of time required for the GRIB model to compute its forecast and then for the LuckGrib cluster to download the data and make it available. The LuckGrib delay is generally less than 10 minutes, the remainder of the delay is the model compute time.


The Météo-France HD Arome model provides forecast information for a large area surrounding France, at an ultra fine resolution.

This model provides short term forecast guidance, with forecasts extending to 36 hours.

As of 03/2022, this Arome model has switched from the 0.025° model, to the higher resolution 0.01° model. The HD version of the model has a larger domain than the prior version, although it has fewer weather parameters.

Here is a comparison of the old and new domains:

Old Arome domain
HD Arome domain

The HD version of Arome, contains data on: surface wind; relative humidity; and surface temperature. The older version of this model, the 0.025° version also provided sea level pressure, rain and cloud.

It was felt that the larger domain and finer resolution offered in the HD version of Arome justified the parameter loss. Note that the Arpège model contains these missing parameters.

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