One of the most common requests I have had from potential customers is: when would LuckGrib be available on iPhone or iPad? I can finally provide a definitive answer to that question: today!
LuckGrib on iPhone and iPad is spectacular. The application provides the same high performance and refined graphics that was first available to the macOS platform. Its zippy. Very fast.
This is not a quick and dirty port from macOS. The user interface has been completely reimagined for iOS. iOS LuckGrib has a thoroughly modern, streamlined, and very functional interface.
I would like to send a huge thank you to the large group of weather enthuasists, weather beginners and sailors who have participated in the beta program for this app. Your feedback has helped make this a better app than I thought was possible.
If you have an iPhone or iPad and more than a passing interest in weather, you should definitely check out this app. Its a serious weather tool which is a lot of fun to play with.